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Funeral Rites and Duties in Islam


This booklet is a translation of the Urdu booklet ‘Janāzay Kay Aḥkām Wa Masā`il’ compiled by Shaikh K. Abū Yāsir Amīn-ur-Raḥmān Madanī whose references, in turn, are from the book ‘Aḥkām ul-Janā`iz’ authored by ‘Allāmah Nāṣiruddīn Al-Albānī (raḥimahullāh).

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Book Name Funeral Rites and Duties in Islam
Author Shaikh Amīn-ur-Raḥmān Madanī
Catagory Funeral
Publisher Islam World
Language English
Edition 3rd Edition
Binding Soft Cover
Number of Pages 104 Pages

As we know, Islām has an answer to every question asked; it has also provided a complete set of instructions for the sick and dying individual, and for those who are present at the time of death, as well as for those who are responsible for burying the deceased. These instructions should be common knowledge among Muslims, since death sometimes occurs when it is least expected.
The purpose of this booklet is to provide a concise authentic compilation of the instructions regarding funerals in Islām. This booklet is a translation of the Urdu booklet ‘Janāzay Kay Aḥkām Wa Masā`il’ compiled by Shaikh K. Abū Yāsir Amīn-ur-Raḥmān Madanī whose references, in turn, are from the book ‘Aḥkām ul-Janā`iz’ authored by ‘Allāmah Nāṣiruddīn Al-Albānī (raḥimahullāh).
Footnotes have been added in some places to elucidate a point or to define terms and expressions for the benefit of the reader (especially from the Indian subcontinent).  This book is a combined edition of both *English and Urdu* so that it can reach out to most people. The translation and footnotes have been checked by the compiler, Shaikh Amīn-ur-Raḥmān Madanī and Shaikh Ṭāriq Saudāgar Madanī.


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